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  • Pick Yourself Up | My Top 10 Ways to Get out of a Slump

    Pick-Yourself-Up-My-Top-10-Ways-to-Get-out-of-a-Slump Chad McMillan

    Ever been in that place where nothing seems to be working and something's got to change?  Well I have, and in this segment I cover my top 10 ways to shake up my energy, recalibrate my vibration, and get myself out of a slump, including:

    1.  Playing Great Music.

    2.  Moving my Body and Exercising.

    3.  Smiling and Laughing.  Lots of Comedy.

    4.  Positive Self Talk.

    5.  Changing up my Scenery; Travel or Vacation or Something Similar.

    6.  Watching an Inspirational Clip or Video.

    7.  Meditation.

    8.  Doing One thing towards my Greatest Goal.

    9.  Give Something or Help Someone Else.

    10.  Stop Everything and Do what You Love Right Now. 


    If you found this segment of value, please like, share, subscribe, or comment below so all the other good people you know can find it too..

    Interested in more insights?  Consider a one on one business or life coaching session with me.

    About Me

    A Founder, Principal, or Executive Member of start-up and small cap companies in a variety of fields, I have been intricately involved in public and private company management for over 10 years.  I have led and been involved in a number of multi-million dollar financings, merger, acquisition and joint venture transactions, and most recently completed a 10 month pilgrimage exploring intuitive techniques and the principles of higher consciousness. 

    About McMillan Strategies

    McMillan Strategies Contributes Intuitive Insights in Alignment with the Advancement and Awakening of Global Collective Consciousness, both in Business and in Life.

    Got a question of your own?  Send it to me or add it in the comments and I will answer it in another segment.

    Chad McMillan
    Chad McMillan

    Chad McMillan is an independent venture capitalist and creative artist focused on personal growth and exponential entrepreneurship. Connect with Chad at chad@chadmc.com.

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