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  • 7 Mindful Morning Rituals and For Mental Health, Wellness, and Success

    4 min read

    7-Mindful-Morning-Rituals-and-For-Mental-Health-Wellness-and-Success Chad McMillan

    I wasn’t always a morning person, but now I am..

    Everyday I start my routine at 4am.  Even now, I’ve extended this to the weekends, which are amazing.  Just think of that.. up at 4am on a Saturday, pre sunrise, and no one’s calling, no emails, no anything, just peace and quite and purity.. time and space and energy all my own to organize and create and flow.


    SO. GOOD.

    As a function of this I have improved my life in so sooo many areas; better organization, more clarity, more productivity, and better vibes all around.

    And yes, as many ask, that means I do need to be in bed at 9, latest, which is cool.. I mean what really happens after 9, anyways?

    In this spirit, here are my top 6 morning rituals and benefits below:


    Number 1 – Meditation.

    The first thing I do in the morning, starting at 4am is meditate.  My meditative practice sets the tone for my day.  I take inventory of where my energy’s at, what I want to achieve for the day, and how it feels for me when I achieve it.  Then my vibration is recalibrated in a positive way to start attracting what I want, and making things happen.  Then I get up.


    Clarity, Relaxation, Vibrational Tuning.


    Number 2 - Set Intentions.

    I do also do this in my meditations, but depending, I may also write these down.  Setting intentions means to be clear on what I want to achieve from my day, what I want to accomplish, etc.  Waking up and having no idea what these are, means that you won’t clearly be attracting or fulfilling the things you really want to achieve in your day, because you don’t know what those are. J


    Clarity of Purpose, Improved Productivity, Sustainable Personal Growth


    Number 3 - Check the Social and Market News.

    I check the social and market news as much as reasonably possible early in the day.  Less so the major media news.  Honestly, so few people trust the major outlets these days, and really, if we check social trends, and independent media, I suggest we can get a much broader picture of what is REALLY make waves out there, as opposed to what we are being TOLD matters.  Times, they are a changing, and for the better. (More on this later).


    Balanced Perspectives, Clear Trendspotting, Community Sentiment, Factual Breaking News


    Number 4 - Have a Vegan Protein Smoothie.

    Every morning, especially as a vegan who needs to complement the right nutrients in my body, particularly iron, I have a vegan smoothie.  Getting this first thing in the morning nourishment into me right away gives me the baseline energy and nutrients I need to feel full, stable, and sustainable energy throughout my day.


    Nutritional Foundation, Balanced Nutrient Delivery, Sustainable Energy throughout the Day


    Number 5 - Shower and Clean up.

    This might sound obvious, but still a lot of people I know don’t do this.  Showering in the morning is so cleansing to me.  It warms me up, relaxes my body, and helps me set a clear tone for the day.  Before my shower, I always, always, create a good blend of something I think is cool to wear, lay it out, and always always iron my clothes.  Sometimes my look might be relaxed, but they are always always ironed.


    Smell Better, Look Better, Feel Better, Be Better.


    Number 6 – Hot Tea.

    Every morning.  Hot tea.  Decaf.  Particularly, I like Cinnamon Rooibos Chai from David’s Tea, or anything vanilla.  For a guy who sometimes talks a lot, or spends a lot of time on the phone, or often needs to, I find tea grounds me out, since I don’t do caffeine.  It also loosens up my throat, so is great to warm my voice up ahead of meetings, calls, and performances.  Not to mention the herbal benefits, depending on what kind of tea we have.  Bonus here, I also have a great travel mug.. matte black, low profile, and slim.  Perfect to carry around in my pocket and rock some hot tea anytime, anywhere I am. ;)


    Decaf Tea and Ground and Relax the Spirit, Loosening Vocal Cords.


    Number 7 – Sage Cleanse.

    Every morning, right before I leave the house, I burn dried sage.  Sage is an awesome, mystical plant, that when burned and circulated around the body clears our aura, releases any energetic ties or baggage, lightens our energy and sets us up to radiate throughout our day.  Get some at your local mystical shop or online, and try it.  You’ll feel lighter and brighter right away.   


    Releases any Negative Energies, Harming Psychic Links, Cleanses Aura, and Opens Energy Field to Radiate, Helping Emanate Feelings of Joy, Peace, Brightest Vibrations, and Attracting Same.


    Bonus 1 – Yoga | Stretching | Workout.

    I’m an huge advocate of yoga.  For awhile I would do this every morning, and why not really, but felt a bit better balance between yoga, strength training, and cardio, so realigned my exercise to keep things fresh.  Every morning though, a little movement is a huge thing.


    Relaxation, Deeper Connection and Alignment with the Body, Stress Release, Improved Focus and Clarity of Intention.


    Bonus 2 – Blogging

    Having my own brand and blog is a blessing, and a gift, and an opportunity.  As you may or may not know I’ve been recently adding this new ritual into my routine, which serves as a fantastic platform I feel, to speak my truth, share my ideas, and add value to the world.


    A Pure Channel of Expression, a Platform for Global Contribution, Adding Insights and Value to the World, Helping Others.

    And what about you? What are your favorite daily rituals?  Like, comment, and share with those who are possibly looking to improve their own morning routine.  This one is my go to, and everything here I highly, highly recommend.

    To your high vibrating, prosperous success.



    Chad McMillan
    Chad McMillan

    Chad McMillan is an independent venture capitalist and creative artist focused on personal growth and exponential entrepreneurship. Connect with Chad at chad@chadmc.com.

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