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  • Introducing My New "Fresh x Raw" Podcast

    Introducing-My-New-Fresh-x-Raw-Podcast Chad McMillan

    Well, this should be fun. The first introductory episode of the new Chad McMillan, Fresh and Raw podcast.


    Closing the loop here people. This is exciting because when you build a brand and you get something moving for yourself or ourselves, and for myself we're connecting all these dots. We've got all these different platforms we can use. We've got all these different things that we can do. We're on Twitter and we're on Facebook and then there's Instagram and I've got Pinterest and there's so many more of these things. And there's all these different techniques and methods and ways to communicate and hold your own space and carry our voices and share these with the world. And it’s very cool because you know, you think about the ways we can communicate which are written, which are visually with imagery, which are video and motion and, which are sound and audio, these are the core big pillars.

    So moving into a podcast style where you don't have to sit and read a whole blog post from me, or you don't have to sit and read a whole huge write up. And you know what's even cooler is nor do I necessarily even have to write one. I mean these things can take time and energy sometimes just to get into this and to create this huge long formatting. Now, I intend to continue to contribute in writing as the case may be as appropriate depending on what we're putting together, but man if I have ideas and have thoughts and insights I should share with you and you're interested in receiving them from me. Should it be something that bugs me down while it's a function of my organization, how I move these pieces and components into place and get them out there, published and distributed to the world so people, like yourselves and others like you, can consider these ideas and digest them. This is part of the whole premise of my presence here; to hold my own space with my own ideas and my brand and contribute to the world from this place.

    Long in my life I've had this energy field perhaps we'll say that have hovered over me or around me, and that I have used on some form or level as an excuse not to speak my voice. Or there were great echoes around me suggesting for me not to speak my voice, and not to contribute to the world. Fear based patterns. Where they come from isn't important for me to project onto others because of course, everyone has always had their best hopes, wishes and intentions for me, but it has been present. And for a long time, I accepted that even if I maybe had things to say or things to contribute, I was possibly quite timid with them.

    No more. Fresh and raw is probably the best way I can describe in two words my businesses and lifestyle approach. I come at things with different perspectives. I execute things in different ways. I break through barriers and boundaries that many people get hung up on or get twisted by or slowed down from, and I move through them raw.

    Because, to do so we need to speak truth. We need to speak from a place of authenticity about where we are at, how we feel, what we see, what we think. And only when we do that with each other can we actually really, truly grow and reach new levels of awareness and peace, love, truth, happiness, prosperity, abundance, acceptance, connection. All of these magic things. If you followed my journey for a long time or even you are just getting to know me you'll come to them. You know I was once deeply bodied in another version or myself. Which lacked some of these principles that I now share, and that I now speak about.

    I'm not worried about fitting in per se. If it's not the right thing I feel to fit into. I'm not worried about how someone thinks I look. If the way they would like me to look isn't authentic to the way I feel or want to express myself or what have you. Now there's a fine line between all of these things of course, there's a balancing act of discovering or uncovering our true identities and sharing them with others. And communicating same with the world.

    But my perspective and my contributions are always from a place of intending to bring fresh prospective, fresh ideas, fresh contributions, fresh approaches. Married with raw, authentic communication. Direct as appropriate to ensure that in our growth and in our work, we are achieving the results we seek. We are moving through the layers of ourselves that are required to get to and reach the next level of our journeys. Of making sure and ensuring that we are not trapped were we are. Or allowing ourselves to be trapped in states or places or things that make us feel low or unhappy or uncomfortable. And instead find, and help find, I should say, within us the strength and the power and the confidence to hold our space. To clear our throats, to speak our voice and to contribute our ideas and gifts.

    And each of us are a unique magic to and for the world. This is the journey, now, as we embark on that journey we contributed different ways. We exchange our gifts and our contributions with others in return for money and resources, which are other energy. It's an energy exchange the journey. And no matter what we do in our world I suggest this is fundamental to how we grow, and fundamental to how we participate and connect with others in the world. Becoming masters of this is the key to everything and realizing everything we want and see for ourselves in our world. Only in our own fears and limitations do we not reach those levels. Our worlds are for us to define which in and of itself takes courage. And then in that definition to walk the steps for that to be realized. To put the vibrations out there. To be clear on the vision and make the commitment on that journey to that place we wish to go. We are all on it in different ways, shapes and forms and things.

    It's interesting because even this type of a format or even creating this type of a brand I'm learning about myself and recognizing my own tendencies to even speak from this place of pure authority. Where at the same time I'm on the same journey. I'm doing the same work in just different ways and areas. There are ways that I am an expert or a master in certain areas of business and business practices and techniques and what have you. And there's other areas I'm a complete amateur, right. I am going through the tough lessons. That maybe even aren't tough, right, just the lessons. Some may be tough some may be not. Just the appropriate lessons deviled sufficiently for me to grow through them. And to realize the results and the outcomes I am seeking for myself in those practices.

    Case in point, this is my first actual, true episode for this podcast. I've recorded other audio, I've done different stuff as you'll come to see and connect with as we go. But this is the first of this clear intention to create a podcast that is a gift, ideally, from me to the world on a regular, occurring basis. Now the frequency of which I will determine whatever feels comfortable as I evolve and continue to work with this practice. But it is not exceptionally complicated to contribute in these ways and it feels very natural and an extension of what I'm already doing with other people on a regular basis. This said, being able to speak this way through audio, through this channel represents a tremendous opportunity for me to share some valuable, valuable ideas with the world that I continue to share on a regular basis and on a one-off basis already.

    So being able to bring this into a much bigger sphere where those who are interested in what I think and feel in a number of different areas, about a number of different business-related topics, lifestyle related topics, conscious living. Topics like health, nutrition, travel, money wealth abundance, prosperity, negotiation, deal structure, corporate finance, capital markets, performing, the creative arts, brand building, social influence. There is so many different areas, and I can keep going, metaphysics...This is just awesome stuff that has a tremendous amount of personally powering potential in it for all of us as we explore.

    And this channel can serve just that. I will have my own insights and ideas through this channel to share with you and others. And I will also bring others to join me here to share their insights and thoughts and ideas as it relates to these topic subjects as well. I will create from this place. I will have video content, surly repurposed into podcast form. So, you can easily just download this as you're driving to work and listening to what I have to say. You can pick up on my stories. You can pick up on my insights. You can pick up on interviews. We're just going to flow through here. And it's going to be such a great, great channel of flowing, exciting information. With the pure intention that every piece of content I create, that I share, is at a standard and at a level that adds deep, real and lasting value and perspective in your life to you and for you in your world. Assisting you along your path and in journey to realize and enjoy and sustain a lifestyle of living that is in line with your greatest and your highest good. And the greatest and highest good of those in your life and around you.

    Boom. That's real talk. This is Fresh and Raw. I dig that name. Maybe I'll change it one day, maybe not I think it's pretty tight the way it is. I'm really liking it. So, we're gonna flow with his for now.

    This is my first intro piece setting all this up and putting the good intention to the world. I intend to reach as many people as seeking the insights that I offer through this channel. I welcome an invite you to join me here and to subscribe and stick around and see what's coming.

    I look forward to the journey of creating through this channel on a regular basis. And we'll see where it all goes, so thank you for being here. Welcome to The Fresh and Raw podcast. It is real, it's happening now, and we are just getting underway. So, let's go, let's go get it, let's get clear on our dreams, let's go make magic happen. Everything is possible, and it starts today.

    Alright we'll talk to you soon.

    Thanks a lot,

    Chad McMillan.

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    Chad McMillan
    Chad McMillan

    Chad McMillan is an independent venture capitalist and creative artist focused on personal growth and exponential entrepreneurship. Connect with Chad at chad@chadmc.com.

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